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4 December 2018 767 Views

Intricacies of fabric purchases in Italy

fabrics from italy buy online

The Italian textile industry is famous not only for its size, but also for its high quality. For many years, many people have traveled to Italy not only for the holidays, but also to buy the most exclusive fabrics

29 November 2018 687 Views

Where to find wholesale fabrics?

italian high quality cotton fabrics
Italy is a country known for its unique lifestyle. Since clothing is a way of expressing people, Italians are real experts in this field. The most important component are the exclusive fabrics that are produced in Italy. For Italian designers, the field of activity is not limited to fabrics, because the assortment of materials is impressive. You can create any idea by choosing a unique fabric that will not have equals all over the world

22 November 2018 949 Views

Where to find the wholesale stores of Italian fabrics

fashion fabrics

If you are a sewing professional or have a fabric shop, then you would like to choose only the best materials. Experts will agree that high-quality fabrics are the basis of the best fashion looks

15 November 2018 1219 Views

Where to buy Italian fabrics in Italy?

italian fabrics

If you are interested in buying the best Italian fabrics, then in this article you will find out where and how to buy them in a more convenient way.

Why choose Italian fabrics?

12 November 2018 1143 Views

Where you should buy fabrics in Europe?

italian fabrics the best

People engaged in sewing for many years or the owners of fabric stores carefully select the most convenient places to buy fabrics. Often these people are interested not only the best quality but also the price. For this, professionals analyze the assortment of different factories, and there is no need for manufacturers to be in the same country